查看完整版本: [美国/四级]琼斯小姐的魔鬼 Devil in Miss Jones 2 1982[经典复古魔幻情色剧情电影][MP4/955MB/YSP/BT]

wsss12 2017-7-8 22:20

[美国/四级]琼斯小姐的魔鬼 Devil in Miss Jones 2 1982[经典复古魔幻情色剧情电影][MP4/955MB/YSP/BT]


【影片名称】:琼斯小姐的魔鬼 Devil in Miss Jones 2 1982[经典复古魔幻情色剧情电影]

    贾斯汀 · 琼斯在延续部分,琼斯小姐体内的恶魔是沮丧在地狱里。她让魔鬼来赚回地球作为一个不朽的人物性处理人类。然而,在赚取她逃跑,路西法爱上了她。他不想让她去,但不能承认这一点,因为他是个魔鬼。他试图将她的灵魂放在地球上越来越多地从中移除的机会性,以便小心翼翼地拒绝她她渴望得到的一件事的性感身体故事进行获取。他最后试嫩的身体,但这使他与他,造成一个幽默的结局发生冲突。

Justine Jones, in a continuation of The Devil in Miss Jones, Part 1 (1973), is frustrated in hell. She makes a sexual deal with the Devil himself to earn a return to earth as an immortal human. However, in earning her escape, Lucifer falls in love with her. He doesn’t want her to go but can’t admit it because he’s the Devil. The story gets underway as he tries to place her soul in nubile bodies on earth that are increasingly removed from opportunities for sex, in order to jealously deny her the one thing she craves. He finally tries the body of a nun, but this brings him into conflict with HIM, resulting in a humorous finale.



dingxia77 2017-7-8 22:23

我一直没搞懂 3级4级怎么分的 我以为A片就是1级 那么算下来3级都不漏的话 4级就更不该漏才对啊

hybcb 2017-7-11 00:28


xxxlook 2017-7-11 12:59

琼斯小姐的魔鬼 算是欧美成人片里的经典了,三级 四级 纯AV的都翻拍过很多次

byqwj 2017-7-11 13:17

要是有中文就好了  这么久之前的片子 清晰度还不错

tensionk123 2017-7-11 13:49


mfx2002921 2017-7-11 16:17


yqf79 2017-7-11 22:21


zakj001 2017-7-19 23:58


京津塘 2017-7-20 23:45


jy00815667 2017-7-22 14:36


xiaotian00 2017-7-22 14:51


wwgg1215 2017-7-23 02:42

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lg105658891 2017-7-23 11:02


lianhua12321 2017-7-23 12:51

经典老片啊 就是可惜没有字幕

mao86 2017-7-23 14:06

算是欧美成人片里的经典了,三级 四级 纯AV的都翻拍过很多次

jidawang 2017-7-23 18:05


chuanqi4238 2017-7-23 18:27

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htht133 2017-7-23 19:00

这部片子我很早以前在VCD上看过 觉得很好看 但是碟被划得很厉害 只能看前面 里面的女的很漂亮 那个男的长个尖尾巴 今天看到了 一定要下载 谢谢分享

htht133 2017-7-23 19:09

非常可惜 下载下来的是个网页 不是种子
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查看完整版本: [美国/四级]琼斯小姐的魔鬼 Devil in Miss Jones 2 1982[经典复古魔幻情色剧情电影][MP4/955MB/YSP/BT]